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Daycare Education Program

Daycare Education Program

Daycare Education Program. We care about the safety and development of your child. For this reason, we have designed educational programs according to age-specific needs. Scientific studies have proven that each developmental milestone. Needs to be stimulated to achieve optimal development. Our highly creative teachers are guiding young children through fun and age-appropriate activities. Here we … Read more

How does a Daycare work?

How does a Daycare work

How does a daycare work? At first sight, we might think that the organizational set-up and operations of a daycare are quite simple. However, working with children is not an easy task. Since the physical, social and psychological integrty of all children must be guaranteed.  Making in this way an inclusive work environment for all, … Read more

What are some influences on School Age children’s self esteem

What are some influences on School Age children's self esteem

What are some influences on School Age children’s self esteem? Self-esteem can be understood as the ability to accept and love oneself. However, many of the problems that children present when they are brought for consultation are still based on an insufficient development of self-esteem. So, many parents have this question: What are some influences … Read more