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Stages Of Childrens Drawing

Stages Of Childrens Drawing

Stages Of Childrens Drawing. Drawing represents much more than just being an activity. Of fun and pleasure. Because, it allows the development of creativity and imagination. The space that the drawing occupies on the page. The colors, the strokes and the shapes among other things. Come together little by little in an intention to draw. … Read more

Ways To Help Your Child Making New Friends

Ways To Help Your Child Making New Friends

Ways To Help Your Child Making New Friends. As our children grow up, socialization becomes increasingly important. Friends give them security. Build self-esteem and provide a framework for them. To develop the social skills that will serve them for the rest of their lives. Helping children make friends. Requires a little observation and a lot … Read more

Self Esteem In Infancy

Self Esteem In Infancy

Self Esteem In Infancy. Self-esteem is a self evaluation that each individual has about him/herself. Which can be positive or negative. It is a psychological concept that we elaborate based on our emotions and not on rational issues. However there is a difference between self-esteem in childhood and adulthood.  The basis is that an adult … Read more

Baby Led Weaning

Baby Led Weaning

Baby Led Weaning. When it comes to baby feeding, there is growing interest among parents to offer their children quality foods that provide the necessary nutrients and help the development and growth of infants. Baby led-weaning is the process of introducing complementary feeding of the baby with foods of the right size and texture to … Read more

Impact Of Glucose On Childrens Development

Impact Of Glucose On Childrens Development

Impact Of Glucose On Childrens Development. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns us. Of the danger of excessive sugar consumption. In the case of children, the WHO advice is not to exceed 37 grams per day (for a 1,750 calorie diet). This is more or less equivalent to 7 teaspoons of sugar daily.The problem with … Read more

Infant Attachment In Child Development

Infant Attachment In Child Development

Infant Attachment In Child Development. Attachment is the most intimate relationship. That is created between the child’s parents or caregivers from birth. It influences the child’s relationships with his or her environment. The securely attached child will have long-term trusting relationships. He will relate to his peers in a healthy way in adulthood. Why is it so important? … Read more

My Child Destroys Toys, What Do I Do?

My Child Destroys Toys, What Do I Do

One of the most frequent questions we hear at Bloom & Grow is about children’s destructive behavior. To some extent, it is normal for little ones to experience the world in ways that are unorthodox for adults. But, there are situations that concern parents, such as when their child destroys their toys. What to do … Read more

My Child Bites His Classmates, What Can I Do?

How to Respond to Bites - Daycare in Cicero

Biting is a very common situation in early childhood. But, a child biting another child is considering a form of aggression. That is the reason why it is important to know how to respond to bites and how to deal with this situation at an early stage. Why do children bite? The first stages for children … Read more