How to Deal with Separation Anxiety
As our children grow up, it is normal to face some separation anxiety. Starting on a new school, changing classrooms, a new school year with new teachers, moving out to uni… Feeling anxious to leave our little ones is part of the process. It is also hard for them. They are scared and anxious too. That’s why sometimes is harder to make them go into the building with their teacher when you drop them off to daycare or school. With that in mind, today we bring you some efficient strategies on how to deal with separation anxiety in children.
Talk to them
If you know they are going to have an abrupt change in their routines, such as starting daycare, talk to them in advance. Schedule guided visits and take them. This will make them feel more comfortable with all the new spaces and will reduce the possibilities of feeling anxious when the time comes. Besides, you can also explain them about the new routine you are going to start as a family when they leave for school.

Have a good routine
Creating short and practical drop-off routines might be hard at the begining. But consistency is key. The longer you stay, the more upset your child can be. You can create a special goodbye handshake before they leave. Short, special and sweet. To make them feel safe and confident. That way, they know what to expect and it will reduce their anxiety.
Be responsible with your children feelings
Sometimes we make promises about things we’ll do if they behave one way or another. When it comes to help to ease our kid’s anxiety, it is crutial to respect our promises in order to build their trust when you are away. This includes coming to pick them up at the exact time you are supossed to and attending any activity you’re invited to.

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