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Your Child’s First Cellphone Is He Ready?

Your Childs First Cellphone Is He Ready. Children’s access to new technologies seems to have no brakes. In the past, the concern was limited to children spending too many hours in front of the television. While today there is great concern among parents about the contact that children. Even babies, have with smartphones and tablets.
Experts on the subject warn about the risk of the use of these devices in babies and children. Are cell phones and tablets the new babysitters and caregivers of children?
Many parents buy their child a smart phone without evaluating whether he or she is ready to have one. Below we will show you how to know if your child is ready or not to have their own cell phone.

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Your Childs First Cellphone

Your Childs First Cellphone Is He Ready

The Japanese Pediatric Association. Began a campaign to restrict prolonged use of cell phones and tablets. suggesting control and more games to parents. 

They are clear. Babies 0 to 2 years old should have no contact with technology. 3 to 5 years old, it should be restricted to one hour/day; 6 to 18 years old the restriction should be to 2 hours/day.

Brain development caused by excessive exposure to technologies can accelerate brain growth. In infants between 0 and 2 years of age. 

And be associated with executive function. And attention deficits. Cognitive delays, learning disabilities, increased impulsivity and lack of self-control (temper tantrums).

Experts agree that spending too many hours glued to a cell phone. Or tablet is detrimental to children’s development. They believe that it generates more passive children. Who do not know how to interact or have physical contact with other people. And although they understand that new technologies are part of their life. They believe that they should not replace reading a book. Or playing time with siblings and parents.

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Your Childs First Cellphone Is He Ready

We want your children to feel at home with the best educational programs. Our emphasis on creativity will allow your children to develop their social skills and self-awareness. To learn more about Our Toddlers Daycare Program, contact us.

Is Your Child Ready?

Your Childs First Cellphone Is He Ready?.
Some consequences of prolonged use of the telephone are:
Delayed child development
Excessive use of technologies can limit movement. And consequently academic performance, literacy, attention and abilities.
Childhood obesity
The sedentary lifestyle implied. By the use of technologies is a problem that is increasing among children. Obesity leads to health problems such as diabetes, vascular and cardiac problems.
Sleep disturbances in children
Studies reveal that most parents do not supervise their children’s use. Of technology in their bedrooms. So, making it more difficult for children to fall asleep. Lack of sleep will negatively affect their academic performance.
Mental Illness
Some studies prove that the excessive use of new technologies. Is increasing the rates of childhood depression and anxiety. attachment disorders, attention deficit, bipolar disorder, psychosis and other childhood behavioral problems.
Aggressive behavior in childhood
Children’s exposure to violent and aggressive content can alter their behavior. Children imitate everything and everyone. So we must watch the use and navigation of children on cell phones or tablets.
Lack or deficit of attention
Excessive use of new technologies can contribute to attention deficit. Decrease concentration and memory of children. Thanks to the high speed of its contents.
Childhood addiction
Studies show that one in 11 children aged 8 to 18 years are addicted to new technologies. Every time children use mobile devices. They are separated from their environment, friends and family.

We want your children to feel at home with the best educational programs. Our emphasis on creativity will allow your children to develop their social skills and self-awareness. To learn more about Our Daycare Services In Berwyn, contact us.

At Bloom and Grow we offer you the best environment in Chicago, Come and visit our Daycare Center Chicago Illinois.

We offer the best children attention in their educational process, We offer you different programs from Infants to School Age. 

Contact us at 708-698-0901 for more information.