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What is the best age for kids to go to preschool?

What is the best age for children to go to preschool?

it is worth leaving a child in daycare

First words and first steps are important moments in every child’s childhood and reflect their growth. The next big step in their development is to start their education, but what is the best age for kids to go to preschool?

This step is hard for some parents and generates all kinds of doubts. Many are unsure how to deal with this situation and deciding whether their baby is ready to go to preschool is a complicated decision. Even if fear knocks at the door, sending your child to preschool will always be a great idea because it will guarantee a future in line with your baby’s abilities.

According to our Constitution, all parents have the freedom to choose the education they want for their children. Parents are responsible for their children’s learning in the early years of life. The home is one of the safest places for a developing child. It is where their biological functions are mastered: feeding, drinking water, walking, and communicating are some of them.

With the start of classes and school, the child’s adaptation and learning process begins. To do so, they need to feel happy, loved, secure and stimulated.

When the question arises as to what age the child should start going to school, doubts arise. The child must leave the comfort of home for many more hours. Parents’ work obligations often drive this decision, but the child’s abilities must also be considered.

What is the best age for kids to go to preschool?

Two years

For some specialists, two years is the ideal age to start preschool. Between 18 and 24 months, the child begins to have autonomy. He is familiar with walking and talking, has played with other children and is able to move away from his mother for some time.

For infants who have not yet experienced separation from their parents, daycare will help them increase their autonomy and prepare them for preschool education.

When the child reaches school age, another stage of his life begins. They must be incorporated into the school environment, adapt to schedules, friends, teachers, challenges, and learning. It is the time of academic training, values, educational and extracurricular activities. A certain maturity is required to face the changes.

When the child reaches school age, another stage of his life begins
At what age should I send my baby to preschool?

Three years

According to regulations, education is voluntary from the age of three, but compulsory from the age of six.

Preschool education is divided into two cycles. The first, up to the age of three, is provided in special nursery schools or kindergartens. The second, from three to six years of age, is free of charge and is considered an integral part of the education system. It is usually provided in primary schools.

If you are looking for the best preschool in Chicago for your child, contact us.

So, what is the best age for kids to go to preschool?

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention defines preschool age as between three and five years old. However, there are no set rules that establish the age to send a child to preschool.

For most preschools, the minimum age for accepting children is 3 years old by December of the academic year. However, some institutions allow children as young as 2 years old.

In case you have already made up your mind and want to send your baby to preschool, it is best to contact your nearest preschool and find out at what age children can be enrolled.

“Education is our passport to the future, because tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for today.”
-Malcolm X

Is your child ready for preschool?

Your baby may be old enough to enroll in the preschool of your choice, but is he or she ready to take the big step? Knowing what is the best age for children to go to preschool is a first step, but we go further. 

Every baby is unique and special. Some children begin walking or talking at an early age while others take longer to develop these skills.

At age 3, a child is not expected to have perfect speech. However, he or she should be able to express him or herself and to hear and understand others. Children who are ready for preschool usually speak in simple sentences of three to five words. They can also write short sentences about what happened during the day.

Another factor that will help you decide if your child is ready for preschool is his or her level of autonomy. Most preschools will want your child to be potty-trained, for instance. Some preschools have “no diaper” or “no pull-up” rules. Other providers are more flexible.

Teaching children a few self-care skills can also be very helpful. Although teachers will help them, they won’t get the same hands-on help as in daycare. That’s why it’s important for your child to be able to put on his own shoes and coat and handle zippers and other fasteners.

While these skills will help him as he moves into preschool, there is an extremely important question when deciding if your baby is ready.

Is my son ready to go to preschool?

Call us today to find out what the best Preschool in Chicago can do for you and your kids.

Can Your Child Separate From You?

when is a good time to send my child to preschool?

For children who have attended day care, separating from their parents is not a conflict. Not so for children who have lived their entire childhood with at least one parent at home all day. Separation anxiety can be a problem if you have never been away so it would be a good idea to start working on this skill.

For short periods of time, leave your baby with a family member or friend while you do your homework. The goal is for your child to learn to separate from you and to trust that you will return.

With this practice, your child will not feel fear or panic when they leave you to go to preschool. In the first few days they may cry or be worried, but over time this uncertainty should disappear. 

What skills will my child develop in preschool?

Sending your child to preschool will allow them to acquire new skills and develop them appropriately. They will also be able to function in a new environment where they will be able to interact with other children and develop their social skills.

Attending preschool will allow your child to improve their:

Sensory development: He will develop his ability to use touch, sight, and hearing to explore and try to discover the world around him.

Social, emotional, and behavioral development: Attending preschool will allow your child to be able to pay attention, control their impulses and emotions, as well as limit aggressive behaviors. It will also develop their ability to follow directions, take turns, cooperate, make friends, and empathize with other children.

Early language, literacy, and math skills: Your baby will be able to talk, listen, understand concepts such as the association between the vowel and its pronunciation, numbers, shapes and how objects relate to each other.

Now that you know what is the best age for kids to go to preschool and you know the skills that the child should have for an adequate entry, do you think your baby is ready for the big step? What is the best 

If you would like more information, you can consult with a preschool in Chicago, IL or closer to you for detailed guidance.

What is the best age for children to go to preschool?

Is your Child Ready for Preschool?

Bloom and Grow has one of the best Preschool Programs in Chicago. Call today for enrollment.
