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Children’s Skin Care for this Summer Sun

Children's Skin Care for this Summer Sun

Children's Skin Care for this Summer Sun

The arrival of summer excites us all. Having sunny days is the best thing about vacations. Parents constantly wonder about the amount of care we should have with the sun’s rays. In this article we will give you the best care, so keep reading. Children’s skin care for this summer sun

Children's skin

We must be clear that the entire organism of a child is different from that of a human being. adult Thus, we must know that children’s skin is especially sensitive. That is why we must take many precautions with the sun and external factors.
Although skin cancer in children has a very low percentage, it is better that we avoid other types of side effects of the sun. Besides, many of the skin diseases that develop in adulthood are consequences of childhood sequelae. That is why we must take care of our children from a very young age.
If we take into account good skin care habits in children, skin cancer can avoided by up to 80%. So we invite you to read some of our simplest tips. To be all healthy this summer,

Children's Skin Care for this Summer Sun

1. Avoid the sun in the central hours

The intensity of the sun is different throughout the day. That is why we recommend parents not expose children to the sun during its strongest time, which is from 12 in the afternoon to 5 in the afternoon. The pool or the beach can enjoyed in the morning hours.
Children can suffer burns and other injuries if we are not cautious and. Do not protect them from the sun.That is why it is important to take into account the schedules.

2. Wear protection

The use of a blocker can be quite obvious. Yet, keep in mind that they can be used on children as young as 6 months of age. Before that, they should not stay exposed directly or exposed to the sun. After that, it recommended to apply before being in the sun, and repeat the application every two hours at most. This is because, thanks to sweat and water, the effect diminished and it falls off the skin.
We also recommend taking special care with spray sunscreens. Some of them are not effective enough, and usually, they must us to use more than what we normally use.

Sun protection isn’t just for when it’s sunny. Even on cloudy days, because ultraviolet rays go through the clouds, whether it’s sunny or not. Sunscreen is always necessary. By protection, we also mean wearing clothing that covers the face and parts of the body that can be easily burned.

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3. Hydration

During the summer, with the sea water, the skin can dry out more. Thus, it is important to use a good moisturizing cream that preferably does not have alcohol or perfume. This would be good to do at night. After a long day in the sun, we can sleep with our faces and our children’s hydrated faces.

Another very important aspect is to keep our children hydrated inside. Normally we should drink a lot of water, but in summer it has to be even more. Also, thanks to the fact that children spend their time playing, if they do not drink a lot of water, they can become dehydrated.

Do not forget that with us, your children will have the best care. Feel free to contact daycare chicago. Also in our blog you will find the best information about child care.